Each week, children between the ages of 6-16 participate in AWANA Clubs. These 2-hour clubs teach them Biblical Truth, help them memorize the Word, and learn how to apply it to their lives daily. The children are encouraged to share what they learn with their families, neighbors, classmates, and friends.
Published Tue, Jul 31, 18. Written by .
As part of our recent expansion to the Assiut region of Egypt, we have started laying the foundation for AWANA clubs.
The first part of starting an AWANA club is training the leaders. We recently held a 4-day “Seed-Planters” training with 142 leaders in attendance. This was a groundbreaking first AWANA conference in Assiut! Attendees learned about the Healing Grace partnership with AWANA International, what being an AWANA leader entails, and the heart and importance of serving children through AWANA.
The AWANA clubs are expected to start for the children at the beginning of next month - a perfect way to start the school year!