An Nasareyah (NS)

Located between the states of Beni Suef and Minya, An Nasareyah is a village of about 40,000 people with a predominant Muslim population. Occupations of most of the people here are farming and carpentry with about 16% of them living below the poverty level of Egypt. Hepatitis C and anemia are prevalent among the villagers, including the children.  

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NS011-RL Mina Eid Naeem

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NS035 Vivian Eid Sadek

Vivian likes to sing and enjoys Math in school. Her favorite color is yellow. Her father is a farmer and earns about $40/month.

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NS060-RL Romany Eid Zaki

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NS094 Mariam Aiad Tawfik

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NS097-RL Amir Ayman Ibrahim

(Nov 2015)--Amir is 11 yrs old and in the 5th grade. He likes Religion and Arabic classed most. He counted 1-10 in English. He learned to pray and Thank God fin class. He gets clean water from the ...

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NS098 Ibrahim Emad Ibrahim

(Nov 2015)--Ibrahim likes Science; esp magnetics. He likes to play & occasionally goes to church. His dad passed away 2 yrs ago. He takes English classes & counted to 10. Prayers: for succe...

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SHA019 Breksam Raouf Nabil

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